Sunday, August 2, 2015

No Mercy

I deal with all sorts of issues. I am certainly glad I have taken some time off. I remember this time last year, when I moved someone into a rental house they had a steady drip in the kitchen sink, after they begged to move in a week early. Of course move in was on a weekend, and of course the part had to be ordered. I explained the entire situation and the future resident seemed more than happy to move in despite the unforeseen hiccup. I decided to let them, and waived a full days rent as courtesy, and gave them a $25 gift card, which I was thanked heavily for in person. I drove home that evening feeling rather good about myself, and was glad it was a win/win. Until the shrill little ding of my inbox ruined it all. I received an email from that resident stating in some futile attempt at using legal language via email, how unhappy and unprofessional I was to expect them to live in sub-par conditions with no concessions! WHAT?!?!?!? These people just got finished hugging me, and telling me how stellar I was! I read further into the email that I was now to agree to provide a new sink, faucet set, and granite counter tops at my expense, for their troubles, and in all the homes they have ever owned were left in better shape than when the acquired them. Seriously? Who the heck replaces the counter tops, sink and faucet, when all you need it a washer and new aerator? What sort of homeowner does this? I was further threatened with being dubbed a slum lord via social media if I didn't meet their needs! I kindly responded to the email that I would be back in pick up both the key and the gift card, and they could adhere to the original legal document of them moving in a week later, and the leak would be fixed by then. I reminded them the home had no granite or no new sink or need for a faucet on a two year old dwelling still under builders warranty. I told them they were welcome to tote their tale to social media, as legally speaking that would be slander. I waited for the email to send. Then drove back to the house in which they had basically emptied their u-haul into, and told them I was there to stick by the original legal document, that I would not grant any leniency. They were still reading the email on their phone, and met me quickly in the drive way to apologize, and say never mind it was a mistake that they were just hot and tired from moving. I nodded and listened to their feeble excuses, and told them kindly, to place their rebuttal in writing in response to my email, while I waited. They did, but still took to social media. WOW. This is why people have no compassion. This is why I am sure they never owned a home. By their logic a leaky sprinkler head would justify a new sprinkler system and sod! My lord! A moment of reflection, and I am glad I took some time away. Please remember how fickle some people can be... Yes they got to keep the gift cards, and turned out to be great residents! LOL

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