Monday, August 17, 2015

You don’t have to like my view or respect my views, but I still will share them.
I remember when the war on drugs was declared. I almost immediately considered it a good and noble thing. I thought it would be a ploy to save people. Why shouldn’t we put a handle on drugs? Teach our children D.A.R.E. keep them off of drugs and educate them. I no longer share that view. Although I don’t do drugs, and I am neither on nor off the rack about the whole legalize marijuana thing, I realize now that maybe the war on drugs was a simple diversion to our people.

Since the war on drugs has ensued, I see more people, surprising people strung out on prescription drugs. I see more housewives, strung out on Xanax and a multitude of other legalized narcotics. I often wonder if this war on drugs was not just and elaborate plot to change out drug dealers.

I see now the FDA is approving Oxycontin for children, and although the circumstances seem noble, I certainly hope they remain that way. I am a pretty open minded individual and simply because I have an opinion doesn’t make me right or wrong, nor does it close off my ability to learn from people they have an opposing opinion. I sit back and watch, and see the vast majority of our children on ADD medications at ages as early as 4! I watch the parents of these boys get on medication for their stresses of dealing with that child get strung out on the very medication that is legal. Our men are on medication for their aches and pains, for having to bust their knuckles at more than one job to support their families, and they often get hooked on the feeling, and end up only wanting to do that drug, or getting fired because of that drugs.

I realize people see these drugs as good and legal drugs simply because they are approved by the FDA. However, do you still feel that way when there are class action lawsuits on the very drugs FDA approved for you to take for a period of years? Its almost like we are the human guinea pigs that FDA is allowing big pharmaceutical companies to try their drugs out on, and when an adverse affect occurs within the masses, FDA pulls it and looks like a hero. While we will never know the long term affects on these people that were given a drug that gets later re-called. If that is not a test sample, I don’t know what is.

I imagined the war on drugs to be an educational stance to help our youths. Instead it has become the biggest drug dealer. I have learned in my life that a drug is a drug is a drug. The guy in a business suit or a housewife that takes his prescription medication and gets addicted to it is no better than the guy that gets hooked on meth. Although I have encountered both types of drug abusers in my life, one is not better than another, although one always considers itself better than the other.

These are our people. They have made mistakes, but they don’t deserve to lose years of their life falling victim to any type of drug legal or not. I hope they can someday come up with a more effective plan to help these people than this so-called war on drugs, that has done nothing but cost the tax payers money, while padding the pockets of the Pharmaceutical companies, and whom ever is taking kickbacks from them.

Sincerely, one drug is not better than the other legal or not, take that FDA.

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