Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Empowering the inanimate

The power we place in inanimate objects… I am not one to be ruled over by most things let alone an inanimate object. Society is allowing perception rather than action taint them. It all goes back to accountability. We have been misled by media drama, and people who can afford the best attorneys to make us believe objects are responsible for an action and therefore a reaction. Let me give you an example…

1 Inanimate
:  not animate: 
a :  not endowed with life or spirit <an inanimate object> 
b :  lacking consciousness or power of motion <an inanimate body> 
:  not animated or lively :  dull
— in·an·i·mate·ly adverb
— in·an·i·mate·ness noun

I have a gun. It is lying on the table. What does said gun get up and do? Nothing because it CAN’T. 
Let’s say we had the same gun, and John gets up and loads it, points it as someone he hates, and pulls the trigger and kills him. Did John commit murder, or the gun? Did John commit a hate crime, or the gun? I mean let’s be honest, if you did something out of hate, it is a hate crime. If John choked someone to death, do we allow him to go free because his hands did the choking and not John? I mean the choking example is a little broad, but since your hand cannot animate without your brain telling it to for something, you get my rather off the wall example. I mean where do we draw the line? Why is John not accountable? If people want to do something bad enough, they will find a way to do it, good or bad. 

People forget too often that the object did not do anything. The secret behind people and an inanimate object is simple. The person holding the object is the one who makes it good or bad. By banning or outlawing any inanimate object your logic says, we shall outlaw white bed linens because that will make John a Klan member. No people, John’s narrow, wicked mindset made him that. By saying the rebel flag did this or that, we forget, the people holding the flag are the ones giving it power, for bad, for good, or for historical reasons, whatever the mindset of the man holding the flag. We should outlaw guns, because guns kill people, last time I checked someone had to load it, cock it, aim it, and fire it. It goes all the way back to being a toddler. If you mom caught you about to stick your finger in a light socket, she swatted your hand away right? Surely she didn’t get up and swat the outlet, and say we are banning these and never using electricity again, because that outlet almost made my child make a bad decision. 

Let’s hold the person accountable for their actions good or bad, right or wrong. An object is literally whatever you make it. What is written on your heart? If you put your beliefs into action, and those beliefs make you kill, or commit some other heinous crime, you should be punished. Not the whole of society that never did anything wrong with an object. Again, people put too much power in things. We need to put accountability back into people, by doing that we reestablish morals, which have become a thing of the past…

Sincerely, I can’t help it if I am texting and my car rear-ends you, It's not my fault, but the car's.

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