I said I would take some time away and never look back. Yet here I am. I am pulled back to a blog like a gravitational force. Why am I here this time? I am here because of people reminding me of the comedy/drama masks.
They smile at you, while looking at you and then the minute you turn your head they are off starting drama. Perhaps I am old school, blunt, ballsy, or maybe I am just honest, but, I believe you handle your business with the person you take issue with, not take to yelp, or google review or some other childish form of technology in a grim attempt to ruin someone because you had a simple disagreement. Apparently phrases such as, "Have courage in your convictions", "Man up", and "Pull up your big girl panties" have fallen on deaf ears! Revenge is taken by a childish blog by blocked user, which refuses to hash things out so there can be an actual solution! To me these people are meer Whiners, not looking for a solution but rather drama. Some people thrive on it in fact. Chances are if you are reading this and getting offended, it is You. P.S. a social life (not social media life) might do you some good because regular people, don't have time to post the childish equivalent of "passing a bullying letter" or "burn book" as was the old school way to do the same thing you are doing via social media. Cue Mean Girls scene or the ever so popular burn book!
Surely you don't think your input actually matters...people listen to your whining politely because they probably have to. Incessant whining, and you always being the victim to the reasonably intelligent population, realize right away you are always the common denominator :). The problem is you. There are self improvement books for that, please don't take it to social media, we are quite tired of hearing what a victim you are. I favor the Victor over the Victim. As Thumper on the elementary aged show Bambi says with wit and wisdom, "If you can't say nuffin' nice, don't say nuffin' at all." It's so simple even a bunny rabbit gets it.
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