Monday, August 17, 2015

You don’t have to like my view or respect my views, but I still will share them.
I remember when the war on drugs was declared. I almost immediately considered it a good and noble thing. I thought it would be a ploy to save people. Why shouldn’t we put a handle on drugs? Teach our children D.A.R.E. keep them off of drugs and educate them. I no longer share that view. Although I don’t do drugs, and I am neither on nor off the rack about the whole legalize marijuana thing, I realize now that maybe the war on drugs was a simple diversion to our people.

Since the war on drugs has ensued, I see more people, surprising people strung out on prescription drugs. I see more housewives, strung out on Xanax and a multitude of other legalized narcotics. I often wonder if this war on drugs was not just and elaborate plot to change out drug dealers.

I see now the FDA is approving Oxycontin for children, and although the circumstances seem noble, I certainly hope they remain that way. I am a pretty open minded individual and simply because I have an opinion doesn’t make me right or wrong, nor does it close off my ability to learn from people they have an opposing opinion. I sit back and watch, and see the vast majority of our children on ADD medications at ages as early as 4! I watch the parents of these boys get on medication for their stresses of dealing with that child get strung out on the very medication that is legal. Our men are on medication for their aches and pains, for having to bust their knuckles at more than one job to support their families, and they often get hooked on the feeling, and end up only wanting to do that drug, or getting fired because of that drugs.

I realize people see these drugs as good and legal drugs simply because they are approved by the FDA. However, do you still feel that way when there are class action lawsuits on the very drugs FDA approved for you to take for a period of years? Its almost like we are the human guinea pigs that FDA is allowing big pharmaceutical companies to try their drugs out on, and when an adverse affect occurs within the masses, FDA pulls it and looks like a hero. While we will never know the long term affects on these people that were given a drug that gets later re-called. If that is not a test sample, I don’t know what is.

I imagined the war on drugs to be an educational stance to help our youths. Instead it has become the biggest drug dealer. I have learned in my life that a drug is a drug is a drug. The guy in a business suit or a housewife that takes his prescription medication and gets addicted to it is no better than the guy that gets hooked on meth. Although I have encountered both types of drug abusers in my life, one is not better than another, although one always considers itself better than the other.

These are our people. They have made mistakes, but they don’t deserve to lose years of their life falling victim to any type of drug legal or not. I hope they can someday come up with a more effective plan to help these people than this so-called war on drugs, that has done nothing but cost the tax payers money, while padding the pockets of the Pharmaceutical companies, and whom ever is taking kickbacks from them.

Sincerely, one drug is not better than the other legal or not, take that FDA.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Here is your Binky

Is it just me, or do Adults whine and complain more than children these days? Or is it in just the general area where I live? People think that that because they paid money (the same money as others) that it entitles them to some sort of special treatment.

In general my children are excellent kids. However, they get loud and fidgety after some time, and I have to often remind them of their manners. I was reading something recently that upset me. We have a woman ranting about people with children should not be able to fly with childless adults because they are obnoxious.

In today’s world half the adults are more obnoxious than the children. What makes you think you are entitled to different treatment for the same money? You want special treatment, buy first class. People need to learn some compassion. We live in a world today where neurological disorders are rampant in children. You cannot just assume that person is a bad parent and the child is out of control. Perhaps the child has ODD, or perhaps that loud child has hearing issues, things you cannot visibly see.
PS, if you missed the memo segregation went out long ago, perhaps people find your whining obnoxious. I am sorry you weren’t born rich enough to have your own jet, but why should we have to put up with your whining. Children can’t help how they act, as an adult, you are choosing to be a jerk, and in my book that’s much, much, worse.

We teach or children, “you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit.” But we have whining adults shag our ear off with complaints. You tell me who the real jerk is. Did you really think you were going to go out in general public and not encounter a child! That a child is not to act like a child on a long trip? To be honest as an adult the child is acting more mature than you.

I would rather ride in a plane with a child acting like a child, than ride with an adult acting like a total arse. It’s not all about you. Did it ever occur to you that maybe the child is just following the example you set? Here’s your binky.

 Sincerely, Buy some earplugs, or your own personal jet.

Target hit the bullseye on marketing

So…Target is removing the colored kiosks and signage, that differentiated boys from girl’s section. Let’s throw this in the media, cause an outpouring of opinions, and give Target free publicity and advertising, as it indirectly applies it is making the isles gender neutral.

Seriously, do you guys really think Target give a crap about you and your opinions? This is smart marketing, and nothing more. The fact that you cannot go anywhere without Caitlin Jenner being splashed all over TV, magazines, and social media, Target decided to get a leg in. Think about it. While removing gender specific signage that costs target money, it gets them free publicity because people can’t shut up about it. That is two birds with one stone if I have ever seen it.  Essentially by saving a buck in signage, they also get their name spread all over the media at no expense to them because of feuding peoples opinion that Target could care a less about.

I will be completely honest. I never even noticed the signage to begin with. I have children and I never even noticed. My kid’s beeline towards the product they like. I suppose if you support the issue or not, you need to realize Target is an opportunist company that took advantage of something getting a lot of media attention, and decided to save a buck and coincidentally gets splashed in the media for free.

I suppose you could choose to not shop there, but the odds of anyone sticking to that plan are slim. I mean honestly I am not going to drive five miles further from my house just to not shop at a store that got rid of some signage I never noticed anyways. Target doesn’t care either way the only color they are concerned with is green. You are all green to them, not pink not blue.

I would rather have a neutral kiosk scheme than look at one more of Caitlyn Jenner’s photo shoots. What started out as a seemingly selfless movement has transitioned into media whoring, and exploitation of those that are actually of the transgender community? If you truly don’t support something stop giving it free press.

As for Target, be ready because more companies that have smart marketing departments will follow suit, and get their day in the tabloids. I mean what can’t the kiosks and shelving be white or black like in the gold old days anyways. If you are standing in an aisle, and you see a dress or blue jeans, are you so confused that you don’t know which outfit to buy your son? Imagine they remove the signage from the hygiene section; does a dude really need a colored shelf and a sign dictating to him that he probably doesn’t need a tampon? If he does, then there is a bigger issue.

Anyways, whatever your stance, I respect it. Please also remember that if you oppose this choice that was made at Target’s corporate level. Take it up with them. Those cashiers that work for minimum wage cannot help what their company has decided to implement.

How many even noticed the gender specific signage before they said they were taking it away? I know I didn't.

Sincerely, I never pay attention to the shelves and signs, but the items.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

40 is the new 15?

Perhaps certain aspects of life I cannot seem to grasp with my narrow little mind.
When did people become so damned helpless? It’s okay if you grew up poor and are now not, and choose to embellish your kids with things you didn’t have, and help them not worry about some of the things you had to worry about, but good God people, stop depriving them of COMMON SENSE adn allow them to grow up!!!! You are making them helpless lumps.

Literally there are some people that need to enter a self-sufficiency program, so they know how to live. I am not sure what is up with society spoiling the ever-loving brain activity out of their kid’s heads, but it is a thing, and it’s growing in popularity!

I am a returning college student, I love to learn and take the bulk of my classes via correspondence or at night so I don’t have to deal with people while I went back to school to change my degree. I had a few in-person classes I had left to take, and picked an older lady about forty, to sit by, since we were closer in age, and had children. She often looked on in my book because they are expensive and she didn’t have one. When the professor told us she had an additional required text we had to buy, this lady proceeded to whine, “But I am a poor college kid, I don’t have money for another book!” Yeah, I swallowed my gum, and looked at her. KID? I see no kid here. I see a whiny middle-aged woman making excuses. Lady you are a grown ass woman attending college, I can testify to this, because that is what I am! Here is some advice form someone 8 years your junior and a decade older than they typical student. Do not call yourself a kid!

In another class I had a younger girl of about 25, that was constantly showing us pictures of beer pong tables and her doing college aged stuff. One day she came in venting about how her roommate had broke the ceiling fan at a party they had, and the blade came off, and how when she called her apartment manager and asked her to send maintenance and the manager told her she could fix it or they would fix it and charge it back to her. She showed me a picture; she had literally just kicked the screw loose, so the blade sort of dangled. I told her go to Lowe’s or Home Depot and get a screw and fix it. She looked at me crazy and said, “No way, I called my mom, they are going to have to deal with her now, because this is a risk to my safety, I could be watching TV and one of the other blades my roommate kicked could come off and hit me.” Wow. I didn’t know what to say. You are old enough to party, and savvy enough to build a beer pong table, but you can’t replace a screw to a fan you kicked and messed up? I think her way of thinking was a health safety issue.

I am not so sure how we have managed to raise a generation of people that can make nifty beer pong tables, and operate $800 cell phones, birth and raise a twenty year old son, but they cannot find the water shut off to their house when a flood happens, know they need to change the a/c filter in their house. Put gas, oil, and water in their cars, I mean basic things that keep your home operational, and yet refer to themselves a poor college kids. 

I love my children beyond compare, but at what point do they get to stop being kids and start being adults? When should mommy stop intervening in the behalf of her child, and let them deal with real life issues, so maybe, just someday, they can stand on their own two feet. Stop enabling your kids. We are breeding adults, full grown, 25 and 40 year old adults, that know how to have intercourse, make a baby, sign up for college courses, get housing assistance, a mortgage, buy a car and college free, that go around using, I am a poor college kid as a crutch. For the love of God stop calling yourself a kid! If you are old enough to drink alcohol and mortgage a home you are an ADULT. I now understand why Americans have high blood pressure, and are depressed. We have to deal with in my city alone, 200,000 people that have this mentality. I have never once had my child tell me they couldn’t because they were a kid. They simply said they didn’t know how, and I said, “Come here we can fix that,” and educated them how. Do you not feel guilty sending your grown kids out to live in a world you have not prepared them for?

 Personally, I would feel ridiculous saying, "Sorry son, mommy can't go to work, or take you to school today and parent you. What do you expect, I am just a college kid."

Sincerely, If at 25 you are a kid, then when I hit menopause I will be a pre-teen

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Texas Pride

I am proud. I am proud to be a lot of things. Mostly I am proud to not be the STIGMA so many people place on me simply because of which state I reside in, which region, county, city, neighborhood and house, my southern accent, my pasty pale and nearly transparent skin, my obtuse ideals, my job, education, belief and morals that encompass me.

I am going to make this post completely fun for us, because lets face it, life is not to be taken too seriously, and it sucks the fun out of living. Too often I see people too immersed in being right, rather than listen. I see people immediately begin insulting others viewpoints in the name of advocating for gay marriage, transgender-ism, abortions, politics, religion, basically you name it. I imagine my idea is obtuse, however I try to remain respectful to other ideas, and see it from their point of view, lest they call me an idiot simply because I think a little differently than them. Do you even realize how moot you made your point by doing this? You are rallying often for an equal right community that simply wants, love and trust and acceptance, but anyone that doesn’t agree with me is a moron. HA! That’s a weird way to win them over, but hey, whatever you think helps.

Being from Texas and making a comment like, “I hope Jeb Bush doesn’t make presidency.” (Maybe because I am tired of a recycled lineage of Presidents, and want to see real change, and not because I don’t like him, I just think a change, a large one, is more essential than running back to a comfort zone. This could literally be my only reason). It usually incites the following statements.

Oh so you are from Texas and you don’t like the Bush family, you are such an ill-educated Libtard, or are you an Independent Socialist. You are stupid my friend, you also miss-spelled from, its f-r-o-m and not f-o-r-m, your grammar is wrong. I bet you are one of the people that didn’t make it past 8th grade because you and your hillbilly redneck horse-riding cousin had your first child at 11. I would bet your car even has a rebel flag on it you racist, homophobic moron. You people in Texas just don’t get it. Do you even realize that George Bush is from Texas? That’s right I bet you didn’t because you didn’t finish middle school. I would wage you are a bible thumping hypocrite, that thinks the government should have say over your body and what you do with it.  Yeah people say all this, on a very broad statement. My favorite to date is someone telling me they were shocked felons could vote! HAHA. Someone went as far as analyzing my profile and going after my Irish ancestry and appearance. LOL. (Feel free to add on…lol, I am resilient)

People, respect each other. Not every thing is in the literal sense. Maybe I am just tired of paper-doll presidents and want to break the cycle, and try something new.

By the way I can spell and I speak grammatically correct, I made only A’s in every aspect of English/ Language Arts for my entire education, even through college! (Yes, I attended college!) Type errors, or miscommunications and ADD are a bitch when trying to explain yourself, that doesn’t lower my IQ, or make my spouse my first cousin…lol (Seriously Texas is huge! I probably have an easier time finding someone I am not related to than some of the smaller states you can drive across in two hours (no offense smaller states, I am making a point, not an implication.) I cannot change my accent; anymore than the person calling me names change their DNA. As for Bush, he RESIDES in Texas, and is not FROM Texas, there is a difference. I am not left wing or right wing, I feel that left or right, those wings are of the same bird. I select people based on their platform and actions; before I even look at what party they are from. I have a bible, I read it, I have never thumped it, nor have I force-fed its information to unwilling parties, it is simply a piece of me. I am not homophobic or any other sort of phobic. I may agree or I may not, it’s simple as that, but in now way will I hate or treat people mean because of a difference.

Signed, And the horse you rode in on (hahaha)