Monday, July 1, 2013

Knock Knock M.I.A.

True story. I went to go show a condo once. It was located in a strip of attached condos, with alleyway parking. Very cute little condo with tons of parking. This particular day I was meeting a client over there to show it. I arrived ten minutes early, and walked the property. I opened the door, and cracked the blinds to let some sunlight in. Then I stood expectantly on the front porch and waited on my client. The appointment time came and went. I thought no problem, maybe they caught some traffic. So I walked around the perimeter of the entire condo to kill some time, and to inspect its overall appearance. I walked back to my place by the front door. Ten minutes late. My cell phone rang, and one of the receptionists from the office called to tell my my client said they were on property and I wasn't. I explained to my client I was standing in the front door way. After a moment I began to walk around to see if my client would spot me and come to me, so I stood on each possible corner of the condo for five minutes. Needless to say, it resulted in twenty minutes after the appointment time, and no client. Deciding not to give up I went into the alleyway parking area and began knocking on random cars windows, and asking total strangers if they were here to meet me to view the home. Yes, this happened at lunch time, so tons of people were home for lunch. I had to have looked like a lunatic. People were looking at me crazy, and saying no and double taking as they went into their condos bolting the deadbolt behind them. I knocked on every door in the parking lot. No Client. Finally giving in I called the receptionist back. I asked if my client had contacted her, she said yes a few more times stating I wasn't at the very place in which I stood at that very moment. I whipped around. There was no one but me outside, and the lawn care guy with a leaf blower that was looking at me strangely. My incoming call beeped on my cell phone and I flashed over. It was my Client! I opened my mouth to apologize and ask where they were so I could meet them. My client cut me off, "We called the wrong Agent." My client was giggling, "We are in Austin and we have a Realtor here that has your same name, and apparently Austin and the B/CS area have a same address location! We are so sorry, but we have some condos we want to look at with you next week in the B/CS area, and we will just add the one you are standing at right now to the list!" HAHAHA. Happened to me, but hey I tried to find my M.I.A. client by old school knocking, my real estate instructor would have been so proud!

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