Tuesday, October 8, 2013


It's been AWHILE! I have been PHOTO HACKED! Can you believe after almost a year and a kind request for removal of my photos from a company I no longer work for, I go on the web and behold my photos, still plastered all over the web, social media and places I never even knew possible! The audacity. I call it life hacked. Need I mention I never signed a single piece of paper authorizing said pictures to be published? What a nightmare. I am proud to say the majority is gone, but there are still some stragglers, and I would just think a Decent person would respect ones wishes to remove these items. No. Still there. I wonder how many other people have been photo hacked? What moves did you make to get the straggling remains of your photos removed, what were your feelings of finding yourself on the web, photos you never posted of yourself on the web? I feel photo hacked. My feelings are, if I didn't post my photos to the web, then it goes without saying that YOU shouldn't. CATFISH much people? I implore you, if you have not already Google your name/image and make sure the things out there on you are thing you chose to post, and not something someone posted of you out of SPITE.

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